Friday, December 30, 2011

ANS year in review and future projects

ANS had a moderately successful year. The still image division participated in two exhibits one resulting in a sale and the other a review in the Washington Post. The major activities of the past 7 months the central corporate studios have been undergoing a major renovation and redesign. 2012 has the potential to be a break out year.
May we suggest some modest goals and projects for the upcoming year?
-move into new studio space
-create new areas for visual art, sound and vision, production and archival storage
-acquire and instal digital injet printer (expand visual imaging into silk screen processes)
-complete unfinished projects: logo, letterhead, business card
-publish book: "the District..."
-print presentation portfolio and limited edition of "The District..."
-pursue exhibition and publishing opportunities for "The District"
-Sound and Vision: complete unfinished graphic design for recordings, Produce Sanction Album


  1. This post is really too informative to us, good perception of images and good description by which any one can get information what they want to this post.......As for as my thinking is concerned this one is the best post.

    Thanks for sharing such a informative post.
    American Standard

  2. 1. Your list is extremely ambitious and I would consider it a successful year were the firm to accomplish a third of those admirable goals.
    2. As the previous commenter so helpfully provided a link, perhaps you should consider adding something about search engine spam, intentionally ambiguous generic puffery and/or name brand faucets to the agenda.
